How to Make Your Own Herbal Medicines.

How to Make Your Own Herbal Medicines.

Natural liquid medications are great to have on hand for preventative purposes or for treating illness. Natural medications are far more effective than most over-the-counter medications and do not have the side effects that synthetic medications do. Here's an easy way to prepare herbal medicines or tinctures at home.

Things You'll Need:

Dried herbs

Everclear, gin or vodka

Clear glass bottle or jar with lid

Dark glass bottle

How to make herbal medicine at home.


Dried herbs are easiest to find at a whole-foods store or natural market that sells bulk dried herbs. For a pint of liquid medicine, you will need about 2 cups of dried herbs. You can combine herbs according to what remedy you desire. It is always best to buy organic dried herbs if you can find them.


You will need a pint of alcohol per batch of medicine. Everclear, vodka or gin are best. Alcohol is used because it is best at extracting the potency of the herbs, and it is a natural preservative. Alcohol also helps your body to absorb the medicine better. Homemade herbal medicines will last for years if stored correctly. Add your 2 cups of herbs to one pint of alcohol in a clear glass jar or bottle with a tight lid.


Store the jar or bottle in a dark cabinet or pantry for 2 to 4 weeks, shaking daily for best results.


After 2 to 4 weeks you can now strain your medicine into dark glass bottles. I like to use a bigger bottle for what I will store and smaller bottles for what I will be taking every day. You can use a teaspoon or dropper to take the medicine. Store the medicine in a dark area; it does not have to be refrigerated.

Tips & Warnings

The better quality the herbs are, the better quality your tincture will be.

A good herb dictionary will help you determine which herbs to use and what the correct dosage is for your tincture.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Always seek the advice of a medical doctor before taking any new medications.

How to Make Your Own Detoxifying Foot Pads

How to Make Your Own Detoxifying Foot Pads

Wake up every morning from here on out, feeling healthy, energized and prepared to start the day!

Things You'll Need:

Self Stick Gauze Pads



Distilled Water


Place water in a pot on the stove to boil. Finely mince onion and garlic and add to water. Continue to boil for 15 minutes or until "rolling".


Allow this mixture to cool, then pour about 1/4 cup into the center of your self stick gauze pad and stick to your feet before bed. You might want to wear socks to keep the pad from falling off in your sleep.


When you wake up in the morning, remove the pads and throw away.

Tips & Warnings

You can wear these pads at any time of the day, but be prepared to smell like onions and garlic!

Be sure to cool the liquid before placing on your feet!

DO NOT place raw garlic or onion directly on the skin as it may burn!

The pad will have a dark brown to black color when you remove them, don't worry, this is normal. The color is the toxins that have been removed from your body.

How to Make Your New Years Resolutions Stick

How to Make Your New Years Resolutions Stick

So you've tried to stick with your New Year's Resolutions and are not having luck? Here's how to make them stick!

Things You'll Need:






It's that time of year again. Right after we have finished eating, drinking and maybe being a little TOO merry over the holidays it feels time to evaluate the year. What do we want to change for next year? How can we not only set the intention of a resolution but MAKE IT STICK?

This is very special to me this year because it marks one year of declaring that I would heal myself. Now, a year later I am 100% pain and pain pill free and am tremendously proud of myself. I had my setbacks, I had my "hard times" sticking with my goals but I never backed down and am living the rewards every day. Now I will set my goals for 2008 and the main one is that 2008 will be to finances as 2007 was for my health.

I am reading and educating myself on how to best maximize the use of time and in the next few days will set specific goals and mini goals for achieving success. Yes, I also want to drop that holiday weight, exercise more, spend more quality time with my kids, husband, friends AND myself but all of these involve me working on my time management skills so that is where I am starting. I just received Tim Ferris's book "The Four Hour Workweek" for
which came highly recommended to me from my friend Greg Butler at Holistic Personal Development. Thanks Ray (my husband) for the book -- as you know I can't put it down! : ) I am finding it to be wonderfully informative and expect great results after putting into practice all the ideas and useful challenges Tim Ferris puts out there.

OK -- so you now know what MY goals are but what are yours and how will you make them stick past January 10th? Here are some steps that ensure success:

1) Set Goals and MINI goals
I wrote about this before and think it is very important. If you set a HUGE goal like "I want to be in shape" but do not set mini goals on how to do that it makes it more challenging to stick with. For example I want to work on time management so I can figure out how to balance home, work, kids, friends, writing, exercise and "me" time. My first mini goal was to read the Tim Ferris book to get me in the right mindset. My second step will be to sit down and write mini goals for all these areas of my life. My third goal will be to apply the knowledge from the book to the areas of my life and to work out some sort of time window for each. Make them OBTAINABLE, LOGICAL steps to get to your final big goal and you will feel a confidence boost EVERY completed step of the way.


2) Don't Jump Ship if you get off Course!
Wow - this is a biggie. I am sure we all have either heard someone say or said ourselves a variation of the following: "Well I was doing well dieting but then I ate a whole pack of cookies so I am not on a diet anymore" or "I quit smoking but got stressed out and needed a few so now I am a smoker again". ALMOST EVERYONE will have set-backs when changing a habit. Expect them. If you are changing a habit you need to be patient with yourself, forgive yourself and give yourself more chances. When I was healing myself I had days when it seemed I got nothing but bad news and my negative self-talk would start up again. Soon after the aches would follow. Luckily part of educating myself was learning about mindfulness and I would tell myself "Ok Jen -- I know this seems bad -- but you have until tonight to feel badly then you will say your gratitude list and wake up better". It never occurred to me to return to my old ways because I was determined to see results and I knew and believed in what I wanted to achieve. Apologize to yourself, forgive yourself and try again.


3) Believe in Yourself -- Visualize the Outcome and FEEL the Gratitude for it
After seeing the movie "The Secret", reading Deepak Chopra and about the mind/body connection I KNEW I would heal myself. I imagined myself healthy, not going to doctors all the time, chasing after the kids with energy to spare, starting a career and seeing friends and family more often. I would close my eyes and visualize HOW WONDERFUL it would feel to be healthy and be able to accomplish goals. It only took a minute a day but the joy I got from that picture would last me all day. See yourself skinny and in that bathing suit, see yourself accepting an award, see yourself making money and the things you will do with it when you have it. Feel how that would make you feel. If you are getting "off course" it's time to visualize again and KNOW that the end result is worth any sacrifice you feel you are making.


4) Feel Gratitude for the Strides you are Making
Mini goals are great because you get to pat yourself on the back for each step taken. You also need to show yourself gratitude for ANY steps you are taking in the right direction. An example is you have said "no sweets" and you go out to a dinner party. Instead of having your usual 3 cookies you only have 1. Will you beat yourself up for that 1 you had or celebrate that you didn't grab any more? It is important to be GRATEFUL for the self control you did show. This offers you encouragement to keep it up, shows you have strength, builds your self confidence and shows that you are in control.


5) Educate Yourself on the Best Way to Achieve Your Goals
Have you set the same goal of working out more or losing weight every year and gone about it the same way only to fail? Have you set up a rigorous weight training schedule that you can't keep up with? Have you tried quitting smoking cold turkey and not been able to make it stick? Maybe you need a different approach.

There is SO much information on the internet about ANY goal you want to achieve. Do the research, find a DIFFERENT way for you to achieve your goal(s) this year. While educating yourself ask if what you are reading resonates within you? Can you see yourself sticking with yoga better than weight training? If you educate yourself you might even come up with "back-up" methods to achieve your goals. For example -- if you've always wanted to try yoga and aerobics set your intention to exercise using EITHER method that way if you don't like one you can try the other. Where I live there is a Free Exercise on Demand channel where you can try different workouts. The more options you have to achieve your goal(s) the less likely you will abandon it.


6) Pair up with a Buddy
Do you have any friends with similar goals? Any way you can help each other? Most of the times that I go for a walk and all the times I cross country ski it is with friends. Not only do I LOVE the time with my friends but it also is harder NOT to workout if you have a buddy that is counting on you as well. Similarly I recently became part of a Mastermind Group. It helps so much to set intentions, share ideas and have a support system. Every 2 weeks we meet through Skype and set an intention of what we hope to accomplish over the next 2 weeks. To set that intention helps me to keep my priorities and STAY on track. A GREAT place to meet people online, find a buddy or Mastermind Group and set some goals is Personal Development Partners -- Founded by Aaron Potts.

Tips & Warnings

Whether you are trying to heal pain, gain success, achieve financial wealth, quit smoking, get in better shape, bond with friends and family, gain better time management skills or whatever other resolutions you are hoping to achieve -- I believe these steps will help you STAY on track. I wish you all the best for a happy, healthy and successful 2008! Remember only you control your own mind, thoughts and actions and if you BELIEVE you will ACHIEVE. Thank you Stacie for suggesting I write on New Year's Resolutions... it has been therapeutic and fun to reflect on the past year and set my intentions for 2008!

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster Through Nutrition

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster Through Nutrition

The paradoxes in life are endless. Some skinny people can exist on soft drinks and candy without weight gain, while others gain weight just looking at chocolate. The same holds true in the quest for long hair. Some people need to have their hair cut every two weeks, while others spend years just trying to get a few inches of growth. With the help of some basic holistic nutrition, you can speed up the rate that your hair grows.

Things You'll Need:



Horsetail extract in tincture form

Cayenne pepper

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster Through Nutrition


Start by adding as much natural kelp to your diet as possible. It is available at most Japanese restaurants and health food stores. It has a high mineral content and is filled with iodine, all of which will nourish your hair follicles. Supplement this natural intake with the tablet form. It usually comes in 400mg doses, taken five times per day.


Take your favorite multivitamin daily. Most foods that we consume are lacking in vital nutrients and your hair growth is directly dependent on the nourishment that you give your body.


Take 2-6 ml of horsetail extract daily-either by adding the tincture to a tea or swallowing alone. Horsetail has been proven to increase hair growth in numerous double-blind studies.


Cayenne pepper is known for improving circulation, which tends to be sluggish if your hair is slow to grow. Add a spoonful to your favorite shampoo and shampoo as normal. It will give your scalp a warm and tingly sensation and let you know that it is working!

Tips & Warnings

Always try to buy the highest quality ingredients for the best results.

As a rule of thumb with herbs, tincture forms are usually best because they get absorbed directly into your blood stream. They also have a much longer shelf life than dried herbs.

Always consult a physician before taking herbal based therapies to see if they conflict with any medicines that you are taking or conditions that you may have.

Kelp contains iodine which may interact negatively with heart and thyroid medications.

How to Make Your Body Stronger With Acupuncture

How to Make Your Body Stronger With Acupuncture

Modern science is unable to explain how acupuncture works, but it has shown that the stimulation of the acupuncture points affect the body's systems. The acupuncturist focuses on the body in a constitutional way to improve overall health. These elements are important to the treatment process that leads to improved health. Make your body stronger with acupuncture treatments.


Tone and strengthen your digestion, metabolism, spleen and stomach when you receive acupuncture treatments. Stimulation of specific points works to create energy or Qi, which promotes healing to make your body stronger.


Deep relaxation is part of the therapy. Placement of needles on the body assists deep relaxation, comfort and an opportunity to be pain free.


Receive treatments that involve meridians that affect the lungs, large and small intestines, stomach, spleen, heart, bladder, kidneys, gallbladder and liver. Channels run from each organ to specific parts of the body, and collectively, the channels go to every part of your body to make it stronger.


Understand that acupuncture's holistic approach assumes the body and mind are interrelated and one part can affect the other. According to acupuncturist Avi Magidoff's perception of how acupuncture works, "Needles break down connective tissue, aligning fascia polymers into a higher crystalline state, which enhances conductivity along fascial planes. The free flow of Qi is perceived as conduction of biochemical and biomechanical signals through the connective tissues."


Use acupuncture as an alternative to prescription drugs that can cause adverse effects to the body. It is a natural method of healing and strengthening the body widely accepted in many parts of the world.


Visit your certified acupuncturist regularly to overcome physical and emotional challenges. After a group of veterans' in Albuquerque, New Mexico, received acupuncture as a regular part of their treatment, a veteran shared, "You've helped me in mental clarity, improved energy, sleeping problems, bad dreams, headaches, anxiety, depression, anger, helps me be calmer and helps me cope with day-to-day life better."


Research acupuncture to learn the risks and benefits before you seek treatment. Choose a competent, licensed physician that uses disposable needles.

How to Make Warming Massage Oil

How to Make Warming Massage Oil

Dimmed lights, soft music, herbal essence, and healing hands often make for an exhilarating spa experience. The mixture of oils and herbs has been used for ages and considered highly effective. Unfortuntately, this spine tingling experience can be very costly. However, you can create your very own herbal concoction by following the steps below.

Things You'll Need:

base oil

essential oil




coffee filter



Choose a light oil as your base. Olive, canola, or coconut are great choices. They are light weight and feel smooth against the skin. Not greasy like some heavier oils.


Add a desired herb. Herbal plants and flowers have been around for centuries and are known for their healing properties. If you want to feel stimulated and more energized choose a mint extraction. If it's peace and serenity that you seek a few drops of
will do the trick.


Heat things up. Once you have combined the oil and herbs place them in a saucepan for cooking. Allow them to cook just below a boil. Then remove the saucepan from fire and allow the mixture to sit for 30 minutes.


Purify. Drain the oil using a coffee filter or cheesecloth into a bottle. This step helps eliminate impurities.

How to Make Warm Garlic Oil for Ear Infections

How to Make Warm Garlic Oil for Ear Infections

If you've ever had an ear infection so bad that you ended up waking up in the night with such pain and you couldn't fall back asleep, then you know the importance of finding good remedies for the problem. Some ear infections are so bad, ears can ooze. Antibiotics are typically prescribed for ear infections, and they work well to relieve the problem.

But constant use of antibiotics isn't necessarily good for you. With mild ear infections, you might prefer to use a home remedy rather than run to the doctor for a prescription. After all, a home remedy is convenient in the middle of the night when the doctor's office isn't open. If your ear infection feels better in the morning, then you may be able to avoid a doctor's visit altogether.

Keep in mind that if you let an ear infection go for too long, you could actually lose your hearing. But using a warm garlic oil is a nice supplement to antibiotics, and can help considerably in milder cases. A garlic oil preparation helps relieve the pain, and it also takes advantage of garlic's antibacterial properties.

Things You'll Need:


Microwave-safe bowl

2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed

1/2 cup olive oil

Cotton swab or dropper

Glass mason jar


Decide which method you will use to make the garlic oil. One method involves using a microwave, which means the oil will be ready right away. This oil doesn't have as long of a shelf life, however. With the other option, you need to let the garlic and oil steep for at least a week.


Add the 1/2 cup of olive oil and two cloves of peeled and crushed garlic to a microwave-safe bowl, if you decide to make the mix in the microwave. Microwave the contents on high for 30 seconds to one minute, or until the oil becomes hot. Apply it to the ear with a dropper or with a cotton swab once the oil cools to room temperature. You'll need to use this mix within a few days.


Prepare the oil in advance, and it will keep for about one to two weeks after it's ready. Add the garlic to a mason jar, then pour the oil into the jar. Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dry place. The oil will be ready in one week, and you can then apply the oil to the ear with a cotton swab or dropper.


Keep the oil in your ear for at least one minute after adding it to your ear. Keep it in for longer if you're really in pain.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure you sterilize the jar before use.

See a doctor if the home remedy doesn't work or if you're in severe pain.

Don't ever apply hot oil to your ear. Wait until it's at room temperature.

Never put anything in an ear if you suspect the eardrum has ruptured. If you see pus and/or blood oozing from the ear, see your health care provider before beginning any home remedy.